Playboy Bunny Costume Guide

How-To Make a Playboy Bunny Costume
1. Bunny Ears and Tail
Start with the defining characteristic of the ears and tail. Find a plain black headband that you find comfortable enough to wear for the duration of your costume, and a small length of fabric you would like to use. The fabric can be simple felt in the color of your choice, leftover T-shirt material, or for a boudoir-looking bunny, use lace like in the tutorial shown below.
You will also need a hot glue gun, superglue, a length of sturdy wire, pliers, and some feathers if you like. If you want to hide the headband once it is on without feathers, comb the forelock of your hair forward, put the headband on, and then comb your hair back over the headband, in between the ears. You can hide the sides of the headband in the same fashion if you wish. Pull your hair back into a chic bun.
2. Satin Bustier Or Corset
The iconic Playboy Bunny bustier always stands out. Classic black and white bustier is always in style, so we recommend this lacy number to be not only beautiful but comfortable.
If you prefer a sateen look, there are many corsets and bustiers available online for a decent price.
3. Bottoms and Tail
You can decide on what you would like to wear for bottoms. Be as risqué as you like, wear a pair of black briefs, or Hots Legs USA has you covered with a pair of shiny short shorts. We have black, hot pink, green, gold, purple, and more. Whatever color bunny you would like to be, we have a matching pair of shorts for your costume needs.
For the tail, you can either glue together a bunch of fluffy cotton balls, or find a feathery poof or pompom at your favorite craft store. Safety pin or glue your tail on.
4. Cuffs, Collar and Bow Tie
Your best bet for the collar and the cuffs is to find a tuxedo shirt at a thrift store and carefully cut off collar and the cuffs. Failing that, a reasonable facsimile of the pressed collar and cuffs can be achieved with heavy paper stock you cut, fold and staple together.
As for the bow tie, Ebay sells an assortment of options for as little as a dollar.
5. Nylons
Our sources have spilled the secrets to Playboy Bunny success: two pairs of nylon stockings. One base layer of black tights to smooth and shape your legs, topped with sheer high gloss to get that signature seductive and sexy look.
Another suggestion to consider: thong back nylons. The built-in thong design eliminates the possibility of panty lines showing through your bustier or corset. Added bonus: the thong helps flatten your midsection for a smoother, sleeker look.
For something with a little more ooh-la-la, consider our sheer pantyhose with rhinestone-lined seams. It will certainly be your night to shine!
6. High Heels
No bunny costume is complete without a pair of pointy-toed, stiletto heels. The more retro-1960s, the better. Ebay can help you find the right pair in the right size if you don’t have them in your closet already.
Now that you know all the elements involved in putting together a Playboy bunny costume, get started. Or, should we say, hop to it!
Did you know?
Hugh Hefner and Playboy exec Victor Lownes commissioned fashion and costume designer Zelda Winn Valdes to design the Playboy Bunny costume, which debuted at the opening of the first Playboy club in 1960.
For more costume guides and ideas or to shop for the essential costume components, explore Hot Legs USA.

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