Hot Legs USA Announces Two Casting Calls for 2006

Hot Legs USA is a web-based store for women's hosiery and active wear. We are an on-line fashion catalog that distributes products in the US and around the world. The purpose of the casting calls is to discover new talent to model our products in 2006 and appear in our first ever 2007 Hot Legs USA calendar. This casting call is not a paid event. However, if you are selected, you will be called back for paid modeling. There is no nudity or lingerie involved what-so-ever.
This event is being hosted by Becker Studio & Photography (BSP). BSP is a leading photography studio in Southeastern Wisconsin. Models attending this casting call may be selected for BSP projects as well as the modeling needs of
We are looking for female models, ages 14 to 34, with stunning beauty and a great overall physique. Candidates should have attractive legs that are physically fit & well toned. Candidates must have a serious desire to model. We are looking for reliable & dependable models we can count on for our modeling needs.
No experience, some experience, experienced, advanced, first time, amateur, semi professional, professional, known, unknown are all welcome to attend!!! Participants under the age of 18 are welcome to attend provided a parent or legal guardian accompanies them to the casting call.
To determine if you are the prefect candidate for our modeling needs, we require a head to toe image that will showcase your legs. All models attending this casting call must appear in a trendy dress or top/skirt combo ideal for a leg image. You should appear at the studio ready to shoot the two images mentioned including your hair and make up.
If you have a comp card, tear sheet, or portfolio for us to review, please bring them with you to the event.
Models who attend the casting call will complete a short questionnaire/data sheet. After a brief question and answer session, a photographer will take two images including a portrait head shot and head to toe image. The entire process should take less than 20 minutes.

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