by Jane HotLegsUSA
As of 12-10-07, we are already starting to experience delays in shipping times. The holiday postal rush is on and is in full swing. Please read the following information prior to placing an order for Christmas.
To receive your order by Saturday, 12-22-07, order and payment must be received by:
US PRIORITY MAIL- Saturday, 12-15-07, at 1:00pm CST. 12-15-07 at 1pm CST is the cut off for all US customers to receive their order via US Priority Mail by Saturday, 12-22-07. Orders and payments received after this time will not arrive in time for Christmas.
US EXPRESS MAIL-Wednesday, 12-19-07, at 5:00pm CST. Wednesday, 12-19-07 at 5:00pm is the cut off for all US customers to receive their order via US Express Mail by Saturday, 12-22-07. Orders and payments received after this time will not arrive in time for Christmas. Please note: Express Mail is not an over night shipping service. Most packages arrive in 2 BUSINESS days.
PRIORITY MAIL INTERNATIONAL -Friday, 12-07-07, at 5:00pm CST. 12-07-07 at 5pm CST is the cut off for all international orders being shipped via Priority Mail International to arrive to their destination by Saturday, 12-22-07. Orders and payments received after this time will not arrive in time for Christmas.
EXPRESS MAIL INTERNATIONAL-Friday, 12-14-07, at 5:00pm CST. 12-14-07 at 5pm CST is the cut off for all international customers to receive their order via Express Mail International by Saturday, 12-22-07. Orders and payments received after this time will not arrive in time for Christmas. Please note: Express Mail International is not an over night shipping service. Most packages arrive in 5 BUSINESS days.
Please use this as your guide before placing an order for Christmas.
We recommend that all customers verify their shipping address on the US Postal Service website ( prior to placing an order. Confirming that your shipping address is in proper US Postal format will prevent delays in shipping.
ATTENTION ALL PAYPAL CUSTOMERS: All PAYPAL customers should verify their shipping address before finalizing their order. We have had some PAYPAL customers who have had to pay for shipping charges twice because of PAYPAL shipping information that was out of date. Please check your shipping address prior to finalizing your PAYPAL order.
As with all orders, Hot Legs USA is not responsible for orders that arrive late and cannot guaranty arrival dates for packages. USPS Tracking numbers are available upon request. All packages can be tracked at anytime by visiting the US Postal Service website Please contact us if you have further shipping questions.
** NOTE: There will be no refunds given or returns accepted on packages that are received late. Hot Legs USA will not be held responsible for delays in shipping. **

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