Black Widow Costume Tights

Black Widow Costume Tights
Natasha Romanoff, known by the Avengers as Black Widow, is a high powered assassin, sporting her signature skin-tight, all black costume. Hot Legs USA has the black tights and accessories you need to complete your Black Widow cosplay outfit. Turn all eyes on you in a striking, skin tight costume – topped off with your Widow’s Bite electro-static bracelets, courtesy of the S.H.I.E.LD. scientists. Team up with Hawk-Eye and help the Avengers this cosplay season.
If you’re looking for versatility, you’ll love these Opaque Black Tights from Leg Avenue. They’re soft and run-resistant so you can stay comfortable while looking fierce. The opaque nylon fabric will keep your legs warm for chilly nights on the town. When the party’s over, you can toss them in the wash and wear them to work with any outfit.
View our Black Widow cosplay guide to look your best on assignment.
Hot Legs USA has an extensive list of costume guides for a fun and creative Halloween. Have your friends go as Captain America, Scarlet Witch, or the Incredible Hulk!
Shop our colored costume tights online!

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